Lauren Powell Jobs, the wife of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, attended the auspicious Maha Kumbh, the most significant Hindu event, in India on Monday. She is expected to take a holy dip at Sangam, the convergence of three sacred rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati. American businesswomen have been seen participating in Hindu rituals, such as Lauren Powell, who began her Kalpvas last week dressed in Safron Robes. During her spiritual Mahakumbh 2025 visit to India, Lauren Powell visited the Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi. She is set to engage in Mauni Amavasya on January 29, along with Saints, other VIPs, and international interests.
Kalpvas devotees stay at the Sangam for one month and follow a strict systemized prayer and discipline routine. During the Kalpvas, they take three dips in the holy Ganga and participate in chanting, meditation, prayer, and other spiritual festivities. To join Kalpvas, you can Book flights to Mahakubh Prayagraj 2025 using different platforms.
According to the ANI report, Steve Job’s wife was prepared to take a holy dip at Triveni Sangam on the first ‘Amrit Snan’ of the Mahakumbh Prayagraj, but due to uncertainties, she missed the holy dip. Significantly, her guru, Swami Kailashanand Giri, revealed that Lauren Powell could not participate during the Amrit Snan because she was unwell due to allergies, as she had never been to such crowded places. Swami Kailashanand Giri also said before the holy congregation she got the Hindu name ‘Kamala’ after receiving the Gotra, and she is like a daughter to us. Powell arrived in India a month before and visited the Kashi Visvanath Temple on January 11, accompanied by her spiritual guru. Powell's Spiritual Journey also emphasizes the growing global interest in Indian spiritual festivities.
On Wednesday, the wife of Apple Co-Founder Lauren Powell Jobs received divine initiation from her Spiritual leader, Swami Kailashanand Giri. She spent a week at a camp at Prayagraj Mahakumbh 2025. She received the Spiritual name ‘Kamala’ from her Guru Swami Kailashanand Giri, who is Mahamandaleshwar or Supreme Mahant of the Panchayati Akhada Shri Niranjani.
During the Ceremony, Guru Ji gave the sanctified Kali beej mantra; however, the offerings she made as Guru Dakshina remain undisclosed. However, Lauren Powell Jobs' divine inception ceremony at Swami Kailashanand Giri’s Camp was attended by his personal Secretary Avantikanand, and Powell’s Secretary.
Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs’s wife is on a spiritual visit to India to attend the Mahakumbh 2025 to complete the late husband's wish. Before the event began, she was given the Hindu name ‘Kamala.' Late Steve Jobs's handwritten letter headlines addressed a glimpse of his rare auspicious side of him. The letter was written on February 23, 1947. In the personal letter to his childhood friend Tim Brown, Job addressed his desire to visit India to attend the biggest Hindu congregation celebrated by millions. He wrote, ‘ I wish to go to India to attend the Kumbh Mela, which starts in April. I will be leaving sometime in March not really certain yet. The letter closes with Shanti, Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs's spiritual journey brought him to India. He had planned to visit the Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba in Uttarakhand, but once he reached it, he realized that the revered Saint had passed away a year before his arrival. However, he stayed in India at the Ashram in Kaichi Dham for seven months and immersed himself in Indian culture and spirituality. He described his transformed appearance, ‘ My head has been shaved. I was wearing cotton robes, and my skin turned red.