Flying to your desired destination to embark on your trip is extremely exciting. However, the only downside of flight journeys is "Jet Lag." For those who do not know what "Jet Lag" is, it is the state of immense tiredness passengers experience after a long flight journey across different time zones. This condition seems very exhausting, and people desperately look for ways to get out of this physical state. Read ahead to discover the distinct techniques by which you can overcome your jet lag quickly:
First and foremost, when you arrive at your destination, you need to update everything to your new time zone as soon as possible, especially if your new time zone is more than 3 hours different from your old one. If you have a manually set watch or travel clock, set those according to the new time; otherwise, you will face trouble adjusting to your destination.
The most appropriate way to adjust to your new time zone is to modify your sleep cycle and sleep according to your destination's time zone. You should actively avoid napping during the daytime as it can make it challenging to sleep afterward. You should prefer a daytime nap of no more than 15-20 minutes if you are unable to resist the urge to sleep.
Stomach aches and other intestinal issues are common symptoms of jet lag. This is why you should avoid large and hefty meals that can aggravate these stomach problems. Instead, eating smaller meals and choosing lighter foods, such as fruits and vegetables, would be better. Furthermore, eating lighter foods will help you feel more comfortable and not hamper your sleep.
Various medical experts and doctors highly recommend drinking plenty of water to eradicate jet lag. Long-haul flights often cause dehydration, which is a potent reason for feeling tired after the flight journey. Keeping your body adequately hydrated minimizes jet lag symptoms and travel fatigue. Furthermore, it would be better that you avoid consuming alcohol as it can disrupt your sleep cycle.
Caffeine consumption will not help you get over jet lag directly. However, its consumption will help you avoid daytime naps and enable you to stay more active, alert, and focused. Incorporating a moderate amount of caffeinated drinks, such as tea or coffee, in your meals is advised. Please avoid taking caffeine in the afternoon and evening.
Getting outside in the sunlight at the right time will energize and wake up your body. Moreover, it will limit the release of melatonin hormones that are responsible for inducing sleepiness. When you travel across several time zones, your exposure to light also fluctuates, interrupting your biological clock.
The jet lag severity and the number of time zones you have traveled across are correlated. So, the general thumb of rule is that for each time zone you cross, you will require one day to adjust for west-to-east trips and one and a half days for east-to-west journeys. It is worth noting that passengers are likelier to experience more severe and extended jet lag symptoms if they have flown across multiple time zones.
Jet lag is unarguably an extremely annoying physical condition, and passengers find it very challenging to get over it. The above passage is all about discussing the varied methods through which you can get over jet lag and manage your trip without worrying about your tiredness. Please go through each technique individually and adopt each one of these to ensure the most favorable results possible, and get over your jet lag quickly.