The answer to this question is not so straightforward because whether you will be allowed to bring carry-on baggage for free depends on various factors. The most crucial factor is the type of fare you have purchased with Avianca Airlines. Your fare type decides if you can carry the carry-on bags without paying any charge and if yes, how many you can keep with you. Refer to the pointers below to learn which flight classes can have the benefit of free carry-on bags.
As an intelligent flyer, you should also be updated about the baggage policy of the respective airlines. If you do not know their policy, you may consequently pay higher baggage charges, be inconvenienced at luggage transportation and check-in, etc. You can visit the Avianca Airlines official website to learn about their policy related to carry-on baggage travel. Below are a few of the critical ones listed.
There are instances when the concerned airlines charge a fee from its passengers for the carry-on bags. For example, your flight class does not allow you to carry a carry-on bag for free, you are carrying additional bags than the prescribed limit of your fare type, or your carry-on bag does not comply with the Avianca baggage rules. You have to pay a considerable amount as a carry-on baggage fee. This fee ranges from $50 to $100, depending on which category you fall, as mentioned earlier in this paragraph. Read more about What is the size limit and fee for baggage in Avianca?
The concerned airlines also have guidelines related to what items the passengers should carry in their carry-on bags. It suggests that you should keep your valuables in the carry-on luggage so that they stay always under your care. These items include (i) Fragile goods like antiques, photographs, works of art, and documents; (ii) Electronics: external portable chargers, electronic cigarettes, and loose lithium batteries; (iii) Valuable: money, jewelry, and precious metals; (iv) Personal: medicines, samples, items for commercial use, unique and irreplaceable items.