At the time of ticket purchase for your travel, you might be in a hurry that you mistakenly mentioned or selected the wrong birth date or year fields and completed your purchase by paying for the ticket. But you shouldn't worry at all because every airline provides their customer with the option of editing/modifying particular fields of their itinerary. In this case, you might be wondering about changing the birthdate on flight ticket because at the time of boarding flight, if your flight ticket details mismatch with your government ID or other necessary details and now you need to learn the procedure to change the date of birth then before that go through the terms and conditions for the birth date change onto your ticket.
Passengers have the option of using the phone number +1-802-341-3403 to change their birthdate on their flight ticket because after you call and proceed with the call steps, you are going to get assistance for your help. You just need to follow the call prompts and press the appropriate option, which leads your call to connect with the respective agent aid.
To administer online easy steps for the birth date change for your ticket then, you are supposed to read the following section, which will help you quickly get through with the birth date change as per your official details requirement.
Furthermore, you can read further information for birth date change norms from the airline's terms and conditions section, and you will be able to gather the best and most detailed ways to get birth date change as per your requirement accordingly