• 21 May, 2024
  • Travel tips
  • Travomint

The majority of the airlines offer their customers a non-refundable voucher depending on their unused portion of the flight segment, the value of the non-refundable voucher given by the airlines will be the total value of the flight ticket. Air France also offers non-refundable vouchers to their customers; go through this post to get a better idea. 

 Can I get a voucher for a non-refundable flight with Air France? 

Yes, you can receive a voucher for a non-refundable flight with Air France. According to the rules decided by Air France, a ticket is fully eligible to have a voucher for their non-refundable flight only if the ticket was unused completely or partially used. In addition, if you have information in depth, then you can communicate with the executive of Air France. 

What are the conditions for a non-refundable voucher? 

In any condition, if you cancel your flight and the ticket was on-refundable then the airlines do not return your money in cash as it was non-refundable however to compensate you the airlines provide you a non-refundable voucher that you can utilize in your future trip with Air France. Go through the below-written lines to know more: 

  •  After accepting the non-refundable voucher from Air France, you can not ask for a refund of the original flight ticket. 
  • In any condition, if you purchased the flight using the cash as well as miles then the airline is only entitled to give you an equivalent value of cash as the non-refundable voucher, the purchase done with the miles will be excluded. 
  • If you have an Air France non-refundable voucher, then you can not refund the full amount of the voucher. 

How long a non-refundable voucher is valid? 

The total validity of the non-refundable voucher of Air France is 12 months from the date it has been issued to the passengers. During this one year, the passenger must utilize this voucher, after one year an individual can not use this voucher to elevate their flight journey.  

Can I transfer my non-refundable voucher to someone else? 

If you have a non-refundable voucher from Air France and you are thinking to transfer it to another passenger, then you should know that if the airline will allow you or not. In the following lines, you will know your answers: 

  • As per the Air France voucher policy, a non-refundable voucher is nontransferable. 
  • A non-refundable voucher can neither be exchanged nor sold; if anyone is seen doing so, the value of the voucher will be nullified.  
  • In any case, if anyone used your non-refundable Air France voucher, then the airline is not responsible for it. 

How do I use my voucher on Air France? 

Anyone can easily request to purchase their next flight on Air France if they have a non-refundable voucher and enjoy the perks given by the airline. If you want to know about the step-by-step process to access your voucher, then here is all you need to know: 

  • You are advised to reach the official site of Air France. 
  • You must log in to your Air France account. 
  • Fill in all the travel credentials and search for the flight. 
  • Pick the flight that matches your requirements. 
  • At the checkout page, select the option of the voucher. 
  • Next, you need to click the button of Apply. 
  • After a while, you will receive the notification on your email. 

Bottom Line 

To sum up, Air France provides multiple facilities to their passengers and one of them is offering a non-refundable voucher that can be availed by the passengers on Air France flight readily. If a passenger wants to take advantage of the voucher but if they do not know how, then the aforementioned information will assist them.